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University of Hertfordshire Manager Completes First London Marathon for Charity

08 May 2024

The University of Hertfordshire is proud to announce that Emma Barwise, Manager of Academic and Student Services at Hertfordshire International College (HIC), successfully completed her first London Marathon in support of Versus Arthritis.

Emma completed the marathon in just over five hours, running in support of the charity as both she and her mother live with arthritis. Emma is a regular runner and began participating in half marathons in 2023, making the decision to enter the London Marathon to support a cause close to her heart.

Emma’s journey to marathon running began during the COVID-19 pandemic when she took up running to maximize time outdoors and maintain fitness levels. This led to her enjoying the sport so much that she began participating in Park runs regularly.

Picture of Emma Taylor finishing the london marathon

The whole experience was electric,” Emma said about the London Marathon. “I really struggled around 18-20 miles and wanted to quit so many times, but the support from the crowds, friends, family, and even thousands of strangers was so powerful. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing the finish line and knowing you’ve made it!

Emma Bartwise Manager of Academic and Student Services Hertfordshire International College

Emma’s advice for aspiring runners includes not focusing solely on speed but instead enjoying the process, the social aspects, and the outdoor benefits of running. For those aiming to attempt a marathon, she recommends following a training plan and staying well-nourished.

The University of Hertfordshire congratulates Emma on her remarkable achievement and her dedication to supporting Versus Arthritis. Her success and commitment serve as an inspiration to students, staff, and the wider community.

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