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Portfolio Advice

This advice is relevant for the following subjects:

  • Animation, Film, Games and Creative Media
  • Architecture 
  • Art, Design and Fashion 
  • Music Composition, Technology and Production

Your portfolio should contain a well-presented selection of your work.

Take advice on this from your tutors but please remember that we want to see a range of work that both reflects your overall experience of art and design practice, and supports your chosen area of specialism.

Presenting Your Portfolio

Think carefully about the order of your portfolio. Generally, it is a good idea to start and end with your strongest pieces of work, or those about which you have the most to say. You should aim to deliver a strong first impression, then end on a high.

We are looking for evidence of:

  • Creativity and drawing
  • Practical skills
  • Research skills
  • An open-minded, enquiring and experimental approach to practical work
  • Your visual communication skills
  • The ability to develop ideas

The best portfolios take time to plan and prepare, they cannot be completed the night before the interview. Presentation is also key, it should be graphically pleasing and clearly displayed.


At Foundation Level no portfolios are required. However, students wishing to progress onto certain Animation Level 4 integrated pathways, are required to achieve an average of at least 80% (aggregate) in the specialist Creative Arts modules (more information is available in the Programme Specifications on the individual pathway sites).

Your level 4 portfolio should contain a minimum range of 5 pieces.

It should be created by utilising one or all of the following platforms below:

  • Drawing
  • Selection of images of significant works/designs
  • Images of sketchbook work
  • Images that show the development process and research


Your Pre-Masters Portfolio should contain a minimum range of 20 pieces.

It should be created utilising all of the following platforms below:

  • A selection of images of finished designs
  • Images of sketchbook work
  • Images that show your development process
  • Research Images that show the development process and research
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