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Academic Requirements

If your region is not listed, please contact the HIC Admission Office by emailing

Entry Requirements

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 GCSE passes at grade C or 4 (1 semester)
5 GCSE passes at grade D or 3 (2 semesters)
28 new 2017 UCAS points (2 semesters)
International Baccalaureate MYP 5 scores grade 5 (1 semester)
International Baccalaureate MYP 5 scores grade 4 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
48 new 2017 UCAS Tariff points or a minimum of 24 points in the International Baccalaureate (IB)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree, pass grade (1 semester)
NQF Level 5 Qualification (2 semesters)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire with 10

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire with 12

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a recognised Bachelor’s Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 5.0 - 6.0 or Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a recognised Bachelor’s Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of year 11

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Satisfactory VCE ATAR score or completion of Foundation/Cert IV

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Reifeprüfung / Matura with grade 4 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at Certificate of General Secondary Education (Shahadat Al- Thanawaya Al- Aama).

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Al-Thanawiya (General Secondary Certificate) 60% average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0/4.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of HSC 12 with GPA of 2.5 (1 semester)
Completion of HSC 12 with GPA of 2.0 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of HSC 12 with grade average of 3.0 (3.5 for Engineering)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree (4 years): GPA 2.2

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 5.0 - 6.0 or Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (German-speaking Community) with 50% average
Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (French-speaking Community) with grade 8/20
Diploma van secundair onderwijs (Flemish-speaking Community) with grade 8/20

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (German-speaking Community) with 60% average
Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (French-speaking Community) with grade 10/20
Diploma van secundair onderwijs (Flemish-speaking Community) with grade 10/20

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at grade C BGSCE or COSC (1 semester)
5 passes at grade D BGSCE or COSC (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Please contact our admissions team on

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Satisfactory pass in Certificado de Ensino Medio with a minimum of 5 subjects passed, and an overall grade average of C.

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Título de Licenciado/a - Certificado de Ensino Medio with grade 6 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree with minimum third class honours or equivalent

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Diploma of Upper Secondary Education, 50% overall

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Associate Degree

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Baccalaureat 5 passes
Certificat de Probation 5 passes at grade 10
GCE O level 5 passes grade C.

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Please contact our admissions team on

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Licenc with a minimum grade 13

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful Completion of Senior Middle School 2 with at least 70%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2 with 75% average
Successful completion of a recognised Specialised College (Zhongzhuan) with 60% average/Engineering and Computer Science 70%

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
2 or 3 year Diploma (大专) from a recognised institution with minimum 60% (Full and Part Time Diploma (大专) can now be accepted)
4 year Benke (本科) from a recognised institution with minimum 60% (Full and Part Time Benke (本科) can now be accepted)
Self-taught or distance learning (自考) with minimum 60%

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of grade 11: 60% average

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Atlantic provinces (NB, NL, NS, PE) Grade 12: 50% average on 5 grade 12 courses, including English and mathematics
Ontario Grade 12: 50% average on 6 grade 12 U/M courses, including grade 12 U English and mathematics
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan Grade 12: 50% average on 5 grade 12 courses, including English and mathematics
British Columbia Grade 12: 50% average on 4 provincially examinable grade 12 courses, including English and mathematics
Northern territories (NT, NU, YT) Grade 12: 50% average on 5 grade 12 courses, including English and mathematics
Quebec Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales (DEC) 50% average on academic courses

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree, pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Satisfactory completion in the Bachiller Académico (55% Average)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Satisfactory completion in the Bachiller Académico (65% Average)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Bachelors degree – Pass

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Svjedodžba o Završnom Ispitu (Certificate of Completed Education) with grade 4 average (1 semester)
Svjedodžba o Završnom Ispitu (Certificate of Completed Education) with grade 2 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Svjedodžba o Maturi (Matura Certificate) with grade 2 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) with grade 10 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) with grade 12 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of 2 years of Matura, Gymnasium or Stredni with Grade 4 (pass)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 4 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Folkeskolens 10 Klasseprøve / Folkeskolens Afgangsprøve (10th Form Advanced Leaving Examination) with grade 7 average (1 semester)
Folkeskolens 10 Klasseprøve / Folkeskolens Afgangsprøve (10th Form Advanced Leaving Examination) with grade 2 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Bevis for Studentereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) at General upper secondary schools (gymnasium)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Bachilerato (Academic) with 55% average

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Bachilerato (Academic - 65% Average)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Bachelors degree – Pass

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at Certificate of General Secondary Education or Secondary Education Certificate of Al Alzhar at 50%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Advanced Certificate of Secondary or Technical Education with 60% average)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised university Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta (Vocational Secondary Education Certificate) or Lõputunnistus põhihariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta (Vocational Secondary Education Certificate (post-basic education)) with grade 5 average (1 semester)
Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta (Vocational Secondary Education Certificate) or Lõputunnistus põhihariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta (Vocational Secondary Education Certificate (post-basic education)) with grade 3 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 3 average
Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate with the State Examination Certificate) with grade 3 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Ammatillinen Perustutkinto / Yrkesinriktad Grundexamen (Vocational Upper Secondary Award) with grade 5 average (1 semester)
Ammatillinen Perustutkinto / Yrkesinriktad Grundexamen (Vocational Upper Secondary Award) with grade 2 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) with grade 2 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Brevet de Technicien / Brevet Professionnel / Brevet des Métiers d'Art / Brevet de Maîtrise / Brevet Technique des Métiers with grade 16 average (1 semester)
Brevet de Technicien / Brevet Professionnel / Brevet des Métiers d'Art / Brevet de Maîtrise / Brevet Technique des Métiers with grade 10 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général / Diplôme du Baccalauréat Professionnel / Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technologique / Option Internationale du Baccalauréat with grade 10 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 5.0 - 6.0 or Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Hauptschulabschluss (awarded on completion of year 10) OR Realschulabschluss / Mittlere Reife / Mittlerer Schulabschluss / Erweiterter Realschulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife / Sekundarabschluss 1OR Berufsfachschulabschluss (Assistentenberufe / Vollqualifizierende Berufsausbildung) (from 2013) with grade 2 average (1 semester)
Hauptschulabschluss (awarded on completion of year 10) OR Realschulabschluss / Mittlere Reife / Mittlerer Schulabschluss / Erweiterter Realschulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife / Sekundarabschluss 1OR Berufsfachschulabschluss (Assistentenberufe / Vollqualifizierende Berufsausbildung) (from 2013) with grade 4 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur OR Fachgebundene Hochschulreife / Fachhochschulreife with grade 4 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 C grades from Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations (1 semester)
5 D grades from Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
SSCE (WAEC): 5 passes with average grades of C4/C5 and above, including English Language C6, or an OND

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) with grade 10 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) with grade 12 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Form 5
(Computer Science, Engineering, Life & Medical Sciences and Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics pathways require 40% in Mathematics.)
HKDSE 6 points in 3 Subjects ( 1 Semester)
HKDSE 6 points in 4 Subjects ( 2 Semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
HKDSE 9 points in 3 subjects
*Citizenship and Social Development Attained is valued at 2 points.

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Hong Kong Higher Diploma pass
Bachelor Degree with GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Szakközépiskola Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Vocational Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 4 average (1 semester)
Szakközépiskola Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Vocational Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 2 average

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with grade 2 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of all India or State SSC (X) with 50% average (1 semester)
Completion of all India or State SSC (X) with 45% average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of All India or State Board HSC (XII) with 50% average or 55% for Engineering/Computing
Diploma (in an engineering/technology subject studied for 3 years)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: Pass class

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of all SMA II with average grade 7.0 (1 semester)
Completion of all SMA II with average grade 6.0 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of SMA III with grade 7.0 in 4 academic subjects

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree (Sarjana 1: grade B)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of High School Diploma with an overall pass

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of High School Diploma and Konkur
Certificate with a grade average of 10 or above

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree or 3 year Diploma equivalent from a recognised institution: grade 11/20

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Classe 3 of Scuola Secondaria di secondo grado (Scuola Superior) with an average grade of 6

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Diploma di Esame di Stato 60%

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of 5 subjects at Kotogakko with 2.0 average

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of 5 subjects at Kotogakko with 3.0 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.2

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at Certificate of General Secondary Education

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Tawjihiyya (Secondary School Certificate): minimum 85% average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at DCSE with grade 3
Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education) with an average grade of 3.0

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education) with an average grade of 4.0
Successful completion of Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Education) with an average grade of 4.0

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of Bakalava: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of KCSE/CSE with grades C or above in 5 subjects (1 semester)
Completion of KCSE/CSE with grades D or above in 5 subjects (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of KCSE/CSE with grade average of B in 5 subjects

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
60% in the Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihiyah, Thanawiya, Thanawaya) (1 Semester)
50% in the Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihiyah, Thanawiya, Thanawaya) (2 Semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of a recognised diploma with minimum 2.0 out of 4.0

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Pass Baccalaureate

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of the Middle or Higher Technical School Diploma

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Equivalent to completion of a recognised UK Bachelor Degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
See UK Entry Requirements

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Bachillerato with average score of 75%

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bacharel / Licenciado: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Diploms par videjo arodizglitibu (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education) with 5 average

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with 5 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
General Secondary Certificate (Baccalaureat Libanais) - 5 subject passes at Grade 11 including Mathematics and English (French system)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Baccalaureat technique with grade 14/Engineering and Computer Science
Successful completion of General Secondary Certificate (Bacclaureat Libanais) – with Grade 14 overall.

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Pagrindinio Išsilavinimo Pažymejimas (Basic School Leaving Certificate) with grade 8 average (1 semester)
Pagrindinio Išsilavinimo Pažymejimas (Basic School Leaving Certificate) with grade 5 average (2 semester)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Brandos Atestatas Grade 5

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires (secondary education completion diploma) OR Diplôme de technicien / Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires techniques with 30/60 points

Stage 2 First Year Degree

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC) / GCE O Level / HKCEE or Senior Middle 2: Minimum of 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Senior Middle 3: Minimum 60% (70% required for Engineering and Computer Science courses)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at SPM at grade E, or UEC 2 passes at C8 or higher (not including Malay, English or Chinese)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
2 passes at STPM at grade E, or UEC 4 passes at C8 or higher (not including Malay, English or Chinese)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of recognised Bachelor Degree: Class 3

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at Malawi Certificate of Secondary Education at grade C (1 semester)
5 passes at Malawi Certificate of Secondary Education at grade E (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
MCSE: Grade 4 and above average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Secondary Education Certificate at Grade 5 (1 semester)
Secondary Education Certificate with grade 7 average (2 semester)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Secondary Education Certificate at Grade 5 or Matriculation/Advanced Matriculation Grade E

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 O Level/COSC passes, minimum Grade C (1 semester)
5 O Level/COSC passes, minimum Grade E (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Please contact our admissions team on

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Titulo Academico de Bachiller / Diploma de Bachiller / Bachillerato General

Stage 2 First Year Degree
A-levels, International Baccalaureate Diploma (24 points)
An Upper Secondary School Diploma: Bachillerato General with Grade 6 – 7.9 (Business only) An Upper Secondary School Diploma: Bachillerato General with Grade 7.5 – 7.9 (all other subjects)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Bachelors degree – Pass

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Year 11 with a minimum of five grades of 5 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 5.0 - 6.0 or Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education
Successful completion of the Diplomă de Bacalaureat with an average of 5

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*

2 Sem: successful completion in Certificate of Complete Secondary Education

1 Sem : Completion of Certificate of Secondary Education with pass overall (60%)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Certificate of Secondary Education with pass overall (70%)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Equivalent to completion of a recognised UK Bachelor Degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Diplome du Baccalaureat, minimum of 5 subjects at grade 10 (pass)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Diplome du Baccalaureat, minimum of 5 subjects at grade 14

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Diplome du Cycle Normal, minimum grade 12 or Dilpome d'Ingeniuer minimum grade 10

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes (40%) at Basic Education High School Examinations
GAC (Global Assessment Certificate) - An average GPA 1.0 or min 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
GAC (Global Assessment Certificate) - An average GPA 2.0 or 70–72%

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes in Cambridge School Certificate (CSC) or Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC) /GCE O Level

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (with Matriculation Endorsement)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: grade A

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of HSEC (2 semesters), Successful completion of HSEC with 50% / GPA 2.0 (1 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of HSEC 12 with grade average of 60% - 2.4 GPA

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor degree (3 OR 4 year bachelors degree): pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) diploma with grade 8 average (1 semester)
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) diploma with grade 6 average (2 semester)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) OR MBO Middenkaderopleiding with grade 6 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
National Certificate in Education Achievement (NCEA): Level 2 with 60 credits plus 20 credits at Levels 1 or 3

Stage 2 First Year Degree
National Certificate in Education Achievement (NCEA): Level 3 with 60 credits plus 20 credits at Levels 1 or 2

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 C grades from Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations (1 semester)
5 D grades from Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Pass in National Diploma
Business Only:
6 C grades from Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: 3rd class/GPA 2.0 (1 semester)

Nigerian Higher National Diploma (HND) pass (2 semesters or 1 semester PMP Business)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Thanawiya Amma with 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Please contact our admissions team on

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: Pass class

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
1 Semester Entry Requirement:
Completion of HSC (10+2) with grade average of 40%
2 Semester Entry Requirement:
Completion of SSC (10) with grade average of 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of HSC (10+2) with grade average of 50%/65% Eng/Computing

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.5 out of 5.0 (1 semester)
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0 out of 4.0 (2 semesters)
BCom with 65% and 3 years of relevant experience (1 semester)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Bachillerato/Bachiller GPA 3/5
Foundation in Life Science - Bachillerato/Bachiller GPA 3.5/5

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Bachillerato/Bachiller GPA 4/5
Tecnico GPA 3/5

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Bachelors degree – Pass

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego (Certificate of Completion from a General Lyceum) with 5 subjects at Grade 2 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) with 30% average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Year 12 with grade average 12, without final Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação awarded (1 semester)
Completion of Year 11 with grade average 12 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação with grade 12 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa: 5 subjects passed at grade 11 or higher

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común with 15/20 overall (11/20 in Maths for GCSE C equivalency)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Junior High School certificate

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of Senior High School (Academic) certificate (post-2018) with 85%

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a recognised Bachelor’s Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Thanawiya Amma with 60%.

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Academic Bridge Programme final grade Pass

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: 1.50/4 GPA

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificat de Absolvire a Ciclului Inferior al Liceului (Compulsory Education /Junior High School Graduation Certificate) with grade 8 average (1 semester)
Certificat de Absolvire a Ciclului Inferior al Liceului (Compulsory Education /Junior High School Graduation Certificate) with grade 5 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) with grade 6 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education.

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 3.5-4.0 or Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education.

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of Bakalavr: Grade 3

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) with minimum grade average of 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Senior Certificate with matriculation/National Senior Certificate

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0 /50%

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of O Level

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: 2nd class lower division /CAP 3.5 (1 semester)
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree, Associate Degree or Advanced Diploma (2 semesters)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 4 average

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Maturitetno spričevalo (Matura Certificate - Secondary School Leaving Examination) with grade 2 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Spričevalo o poklicni maturi (Vocational Matura) with grade 4 average (1 semester)
Spričevalo o poklicni maturi (Vocational Matura) with grade 2 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Maturitetno spričevalo (Matura Certificate - Secondary School Leaving Examination) with grade 2 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Senior Certificate (no matriculation endorsement)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Senior Certificate (with matriculation endorsement)

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of an Advanced Diploma: 2nd class /60% or a Bachelor Degree: 3rd class /50% (1 or 2 semesters)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of High School Diploma
High School 2nd Year (Year 11) Average Rank 6.
Average 60/100 in Korean GED

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of High School Diploma

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree with Pass grade
Completion of an Associate degree with GPA 2.5 for 2 or longer semesters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) with grade 7 average (1 semester)
Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) with grade 5 average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato with grade 5 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Year 11 (GCE "O" Levels) or equivalent, with minimum of 5 C grades (1 semester)
Successful completion of Year 11 (GCE 'O' Levels) or equivalent, with minimum of 3 C and 2 S grades (2 semester)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
ANC American Education Centre Foundation Certificate. (Overall Pass)
Minimum 60% in Maths and Physics if applying for Engineering Courses

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: 55%

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Slutbetyg från Grundskola (Compulsory Education Leaving Certificate) with grade 15/C average (1 semester)
Slutbetyg från Grundskola (Compulsory Education Leaving Certificate) with grade 10/E average (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola (Upper secondary school leaving certificate)
Högskoleförberedande examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma) with grade E/10 average

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2 with at least 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of Senior Middle School 3 with 60% average.
GSAT of 50%.
Vocational High School
Senior Middle 3– 65% average.

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: grade C/pass
5 Years Junior Diploma 60%+ 1 year work experience (including military service)

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate in Secondary Education - 5 passes at grade C (1 semester)
Certificate in Secondary Education - 5 passes at grade E (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) /East Africa Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE): 2 subjects at grade E or above.
National Form VI Examination /Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE): grade S or above in 2 subjects

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass grade

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Matayom 6 with a minimum average of 50%
completion of Matayom 5 with a minimum average of 65%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of Matayom 6 with a minimum average of 65% or above

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Devlet Lisesi Diplomasi with average grade of 2.0

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Completion of Devlet Lise Diplomasi with average grade of 3.0 or completion of Diploma level studies

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a Lisans Diplomasi: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Completion of Tawjihiyah (Secondary School Certificate) 60%

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Please contact our admissions team on

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0/50%

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) grade 1-6 (1 semester)
5 passes at Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) grade 1-8 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
2 passes at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) when grades 1-6 are obtained
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) /East Africa Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE) - 2 subjects at grade D or above

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: GPA 2.0

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 7.0 - 8.0 or Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
High School Graduation Certificate with GPA 2.0
Successful completion of GED (General Educational Development)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
High School Graduation Certificate with 2.5 score plus SAT's /AP /ACT examinations at grade D equivalent

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: grade C

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Certificate of Completed Secondary Education GPA 3.5 - 4.0
Diploma of Completed Specialised (Vocational) Secondary Education
Certificate of General Secondary Education (Attestat) awarded after 11 years of study

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
Successful completion of Year 11 with 6.0 average*

Stage 2 First Year Degree
Successful completion of Year 12 with 6.0*

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: pass

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes at ZSC with minimum grade 6 (1 semester)
5 passes at ZSC with minimum grade 8 (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
6 passes at ZSC with minimum grade 4

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree: 50% /grade C

Undergraduate Pathway

Stage 1 University Foundation*
5 passes in ZGCE O Level at grade C (1 semester) 5 passes in ZGCE O Level at grade D (2 semesters)

Stage 2 First Year Degree
2 passes in ZIMSEC A level grade D

Postgraduate Pathway

Stage 1 Pre-Masters
Completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree:3rd division


  1. All students must have taken English to GCSE Level (or equivalent). Additionally, with the exception of those moving towards an undergraduate degree in Law, Education, Humanities, Arts and Business (for Foundation degree students only), all other students need to have Maths to GCSE Level (or equivalent).
  2. Students entering Engineering degrees must also have Physics qualifications
  3. Entry requirements are subject to change. Admission to the College will also be subject to other factors (e.g. financial background, study profile etc.)
  4. Students presenting with UCAS tariff points must have taken at least 1 A Level

Foundation in Health Care Entry Requirements

Should you have any further questions on how these requirements equate to overseas qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact the HIC Admission Office by emailing

Please note all Health Care programme will require 2 references when progressing to level 4 (Year 1)

Entry Requirements

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 x A-C GCSE passes including Maths and a Science subject.
International - A/AS Level/Minimum UCAS 36 points with a Math and a science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
MYP with five grades at level 4 or completion of IB Certificate including Maths a Health Science subject.
International - A/AS Level/Minimum UCAS 36 points with a Math and a science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire with 11 including Maths and Science

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Attestat with 3.5, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of HSC with GPA 2.5 in Science Group, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 GCSE passes, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Baccalaureat with 5 passes or Certificat de Probation with 5 passes at grade 10, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2 with minimum 75% (mandatory Maths and Science subject).

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 gardes at Good level at Certificate of General Secondary Education including Maths and Science subject, or Secondary Education Certifcate of Al Alzhar at 75% including Maths and Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Hauptschulabschluss (awarded on completion of year 10)
Realschulabschluss / Mittlere Reife / Mittlerer Schulabschluss / Erweiterter Realschulabschluss / Fachoberschulreife / Sekundarabschluss 1
Berufsfachschulabschluss (Assistentenberufe / Vollqualifizierende Berufsausbildung) (from 2013) with grade 2 average, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 x C6 grades or above from WASSCE/NECO including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
75% in Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya including Maths and Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
60% in Form 4 & 5 or
2,2,2 in HKDSE
Must include Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of All India or State SSC (X) with 50% average including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of all SMA II with average grade 7.0 including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of High School Diploma with overall pass including Maths and a Science Subject

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
75% in Tawjihiyah including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Attestat with 3.5 including Maths and Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of KCSE with grades C or above in 5 subjects (Maths and a Science subject required).

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Pagrindinio Išsilavinimo Pažymejimas (Basic School Leaving Certificate) with grade 8 average, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
As per UK, China or Hong Kong depending on equivalent system of education studied, including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 passes at SPM at grade D including Maths and a Science subject, or pass in the UEC including Maths and Science subject (forecast results are accepted).

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 GCE O Level passes at grade A-C including Maths and Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Diplôme du Baccalauréat with minimum overall 14 with minimum 14 in Math and a relevant Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 passes (50%) at Basic Education High School Examinations including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of HSEC 12 with grade average 50% including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 x C6 grades or above from WASSCE/NECO including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of SSC (10) with average 60% including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of Year 11 with grade average 14 (including Maths and a Science subject at grade 14).

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Certificat de Absolvire a Ciclului Inferior al Liceului (Compulsory Education /Junior High School Graduation Certificate) with grade 8 average, including Maths and a Science subject with grade 8.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Attestat with 3.5 including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
75% in Tawjihiyah/Thanawiya including Maths and Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 GCE O Level passes at grade A-C including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of Senior Cert (no matricualtion endorsement) including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
High School 2nd Year (Year 11) with overall rank 4, including a Math and a Science Subject
Completion of High School Diploma (Year 12) with overall rank 6, including a Math and a Science Subject
60% overall including a Math and a Science Subject
Average 70/100 in Korean GED with 70 in Math and Science Subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) with grade 7 average, including Maths and a Science subject at grade 6.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Yr 11 (GCE O Levels) or equivalent with minimum of four grade C and one grade S including Maths and a science Subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2 with minimum 75% (mandatory Maths and Science subject).

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Certificate of Secondary Education - 5 passes at grade D including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Matayom 6 with 55% or completion of Matayom 5 with average 65% (including Maths and a Science subject).

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Completion of Devlet Lisesi Diplomasi with average grade of 2.0 including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 passes at Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) grade 7 or above inclduing Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
High School Diploma with GPA of 2.5 including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Attestat including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
Successful completion of Year 11 with 70% GPA including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 x ZSC passes at grade 5 or above including Maths and a Science subject.

Stage 1: University Foundation

Health Care
5 passes at ZGCE O Level at minimum grade C including Maths and a Science subject.

First Year Life and Medical Science Entry Requirement

Should you have any further questions on how these requirements equate to overseas qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact the HIC Admission Office by emailing

Entry Requirements

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 88 UCAS tariff points including 2 Sciences

Minimum Grade
C in Chemistry

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 88 UCAS tariff points including 2 Sciences

Minimum Grade
C in Science

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 88 UCAS tariff points including 2 Sciences

Minimum Grade
C in Science

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 88 UCAS tariff points including 2 Sciences

Minimum Grade
C in a Science Subject

Subject(s) Required
48 new 2017 UCAS Tariff points including one Science at a pass grade or above

Minimum Grade
Pass grade in a Science Subject

Subject(s) Required
48 new 2017 UCAS Tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points

Minimum Grade

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 88 UCAS tariff points including 2 Sciences

Minimum Grade
C in a Science

Subject(s) Required
48 new 2017 UCAS Tariff points including Chemistry at Grade C

Minimum Grade
Grade C in Chemistry

Subject(s) Required
Equivalent of 96 UCAS tariff points including Biology and Chemistry*
*Can consider students without Chemistry but they will be asked to take an additional Chemistry module in Year 1.
IB: 96 points from a minimum of 2 HL subjects at H4 or above to include Biology and preferably Chemistry - applicants without Chemistry will be asked to study additional Chemistry module at Year 1 (with the remaining points to come from a combination of HL, SL and Core)
IELTS 6.5 (no band below 6.0)

Minimum Grade
Both Grade C

Subject(s) Required
48 new 2017 UCAS Tariff points + minimum Grade C in Mathematics at GCSE or equivalent

Minimum Grade

One Semester Law Entry Requirement

Should you have any further questions on how these requirements equate to overseas qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact the HIC Admission Office by emailing

One Semester Law requires an Equivalent of 32 UCAS tariff points.

Art and Design Entry Requirement

At Foundation Level no portfolios are required. However, students wishing to progress onto the following Animation Pathways (to level 4 integrated):

  • BA (Hons) 3D Games Art and Design
  • BA (Hons) 2D Digital Animation
  • BA (Hons) 3D Animation and Visual Effects
  • BA (Hons) Comics and Concept Art

Are required to achieve an average of at least 80% (aggregate) in 0FTC1036 – Practical Study Skills, 0FTC1038 – Specialist Projects 1 and 0FTC1041- Introduction to Media Technology.


At Integrated level 4 (with the exception of the courses below) and Postgraduate level we do ask for evidence of your artistic ability. Please refer to link below for more in-depth guidance.

For the following integrated level 4 pathways, portfolios are not required:

  • BA (Hons) Film and Television Production
  • BSc (Hons) Audio Engineering
  • BSc (Hons) Music Composition and Sound for Film and Games
  • BSc (Hons) Songwriting and Artist Development
  • BSc (Hons) Music Production and Promotion
  • BSc (Hons) Live Sound, Lighting and Performance Technology


Should you have any further questions on how these requirements equate to overseas qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact the HIC Admission Office by emailing

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